HTML Programs

Q1:-Design a web page using different attributes of body.
<body bgcolor="pink">
<h1><u><b><i><font size="8">search engine</font></i></b></u></h1>
<font color="red"><font face="monotype corsiva"><font size="6">
search engine are program that search documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the document<br></br>
where the keywords were found the term is often used to specifically describe system like google,bing,yahoo<br></br>
search that enable users to seach for document on the www.

Q2:-Design a web page page to create a  table having enroll,name and marks column.

<head><b><u><i><font size="6">student table</i></u></b></font></head>
<table border="9">
<th>enrollment no</th>

Q3:-Design a web page to create a report card.

<head><b><u><i><font size="6">report card</i></u></b></font></head>
<table border="9">
<th>enrollment no</th>
<td>web tech</td>

Q4:-Design a form in html.
<head><u><i><b><font size="8">form</u></b></i></font></head>
<form method=post action="mail to:email id"enctype=text>
<table border="5" cell spacing="0" cell padding="6">
<td colspan="10">
<font size="6" font face="monotype corsiva" font color="black">
<input type="text" name=url value="http://">:your url<br>
<input type="text" name="user name" font size="6">:user name<br>
<input type="text" name="email_id">:email_id
<input type="radio" name="subscribe" value="yes" checked>subscribe<br>
<input type="radio" name="unsubscribe" value="no">unsubscribe<br>
<td colspan="10">
<font size="6" font face="monotype corsiva" font color="black">
<input type="check box" name="html" value="send me" checked><br>
i can receive email as html<br>
<text area cols="20" rows="30"><br>
what do you think of the form?
</text area><br>
<input name="redirect" type="hidden" value="index.htm"><br>
<input name="next_url" type="hidden" value="index.htm"><br>
<input type="submit" value="send"><br>
<input type="reset" value="clear">

Q5:-Design a web page to create .
·         Apple
·         Mango
·         Grapes
·         Orange
·         Banana

§  Sparrow
§  Pegion
§  Parrot
§  Crow
§  Peacock

o   Jeep
o   Car
o   Truck
o   Auto
o   Motor bikes
<head><u><i><b><font size="7">fruits</u></b></i></font>
<title> fruits</title>
<body bgcolor="pink">
<font color="red" font size="6" font face="bradley hand ITC">
<u><i><b><font size="7">birds</u></b></i></font>
<font color="blue" font size="6" font face="bradley hand ITC">
<ul type="square">
<u><i><b><font size="7">vehicles</u></b></i></font>
<font color="green" font size="6" font face="bradley hand ITC">
<ul type="circle">
<li>motar bike</li>

Q6:-Design a web page to create table using different attributes are cell  spacing,cell padding,border color etc.
<title>web page</title>
<table border="3" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4" bgcolor="orange" bordercolor="black">
<th colspan=2>PRODUCTIONS</th>
<td>comic book</td>
<th colspan=2>SALES</th>
<td>comic book</td>

Q7:-Insert an image in web page.
<body >
<img src="roy.jpg"</img>

Q8:-Design a web page to create a following.
Name of the students
<head><u><i><b><font size="7">name of students</u></b><i></font></head>
<body bgcolor="orange">
<font size="6" font color="black" font face="brush script M7">
<ul><ol type="1">

Q9:-Write a code in javascript to print any name.
<title>Enter your name</title>
<font size="8">
<script language="javascript">
document.write("fade to black")

Q10:-write a program To calculate the sum of two numbers.

<title>Sum of two nos.</title>
<font size="8">
<script language="javascript">
var a,b,sum
a=prompt("Enter first no.")
b=prompt("Enter second no.")

Q11:-write a program to Calculate a square of a given number. 
<title>Square of a no.</title>
<font size="24">
<script language="javascript">
var a,square
a=prompt("Enter a no.")

Q12:-write a program to Calculate the area of a circle.
<title>Area of a circle</title>
<font size="24">
<script language="javascript">
var r,area
r=prompt("Enter the radius")

Q13:-write a program To print the concatinate of two strings.

<title>my web page</title>
<script language="Javascript">
var a,b,c;
a=prompt("Enter First Name");
b=prompt("Enter Second Name");
alert("The concatinated string is:"+c);

Q14:-write a program to Check whether the number is positive or negative.

<title>Positive or negative</title>
<font size="24">
<script language="javascript">
i=prompt("Enter a no.")
document.write("Number is negative")
document.write("Number is positive")

Q15:-write a program print grade using if and switch statement.
<font size="8">
<script language="javascript">
var a,grade
a=prompt("Enter the marks")
document.write("Grade A")
else if(a>=75)
document.write("Grade B")
else if(a>=60)
document.write("Grade C")
document.write("Grade D")

Q16:-write a program to print first 20 natural numbers using for loop.

<title>Natural nos.</title>
<font size="24">
<script language="javascript">

 Q17:-Write a code in java script which works on event handler.
<script type="text/javascript">
function Apple()
alert("Focus is on Apple.");
function Orange()
alert("Focus is on Orange.");
<h1 style="color:black">Eg.of onFocus event handler</h1>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox1"
onfocus ="Apple()"/>Apple<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox2"
onfocus ="Orange()"/>Orange<br>

Q18:-write code to print number by using array and add them.

<title>Array sum</title>
var a,i,sum=0;
var m=new Array(50)
a=prompt("How many numbers you want to print?");
m[i]=prompt("Enter number")

Q19:-Write a code which returns number of forms.

<form name="form1">HTML</form><br>
<form name="form2">CSS</form><br>

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